How has it been going for ya!

Quite a climb! Don't you agree. Dow Jones climbed to its highest since its last pre-great recession high in late 2008. That is phenomenal. If only we knew what will two plus years will bring our way, we could all have been a millionaire had we invested about $250k during the dip. How dare can you ever do that. Not me atleast.

But here's the thing. We are happy when the market climbs - its a little late because its after the fact and then we want to get into the market, when actually the best profits have already been made. We don't mind the crumbs when the risks are thought to be minimal. Wealth is made when the risk is the highest. We are wary because the risk can wipe your money as well. Is it any wonder thats why its called risk.

It takes a long time for ordinary people to understand and ingest this concept of a healthy risk tolerance. Too long that it is sometimes too late. But I am confident, there are some great stories of profit prospects in growth and income stocks that are worth looking into. Some of the names are: FFIV, NFLX, FNSR, QCOM, NLY, TNH. Yes, FFIV is in cloud computing (sorta risky! but rewarding if you can be up-to-date on the industry and company news) but its the best name among others. Go long for a year in TNH. It has some upside due to the food price inflation across the world.


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