Ayn Rand Institute alludes to what I was always saying here - "Dearth of good ideas for our Economic quagmire"

I was just shocked to read this powerful prediction aired in one of the popular financial website, Daily Ticker.

Setting: St. Regis Hotel on Fifth Avenue, New York

In Attendance: Financial luminaries and hedge fund managers, including Peter Schiff of EuroPacific Capital, John Tamny of RealClearMarkets, Dmitry Balyasny of Balyasny Asset Management and Scott Schweighauser of Aurora Investment Management

Host: The Ayn Rand Institute

Occasion: annual "Atlas Shrugged Revolution" dinner

When: Thursday night, September 15, 2011

Stunning prediction: ARI president Yaron Brook tells ..... why Rand's devotees believe the global economy is "heading for collapse.....We can buy time but we can't change the outcome".

The real problem: .....  is with the philosophical belief our society has that governments can solve problems and more rules and regulations are the answer to our economic ailments.

Why: In a nutshell, Brook believes politicians and policymakers have "no solutions" for the problems facing the globe.

The only serious solution: .... by bringing about "real structural change" to our economic underpinnings toward self-reliance and true laissez-faire capitalism...

Do you want to know the actual predictions? Here they are, and your eyes may pop (I suggest caution): ....A repeat of the Great Depression in the 'best'-case scenario, ........ And the worse-case? A repeat of the fall of the Roman Empire.

Some stark possibilities......
Will society in general pave the way for change for the better? - Read what Brook says.....
"I don't expect that (a repeat of the fall of the Roman Empire), I think we'll rebound, ....... But we have to remember that…civilizations in human history have declined, they've disappeared."


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