End is near - this is today's World War II

Yes, the end is near, (not for the world), but for the tailspin of economic worries. How near? About 2-3 years or so, I would think. Why do I think the end is near you may ask. This is why. We got crushed with the excesses of unregulated free money (banks were the culprit) and its aftermath, now earthquakes and imminent fallout of nuclear catastrophe. Out of all destruction come good lessons and people learn prudence. When we get intensely punished for a protracted period of time (to me that is anything about or more than 5 years) we learn it the hard way to be prudent and innovative.

The cause for this present metaphorically lousy climate for many people in the developed world is two fold. Natural calamity and man-made disasters. Right now the social unrest in the middle east coupled with natural disasters of earthquake and tsunami in Japan makes it a perfect storm of sorts. We are going to discover our roots and values. We will soon start living in reality and not in a galactic dream world where we were able to live beyond our means and spend more than we earn thinking that tomorrow will never come. Tomorrow is near and here ..... before the states and cities in the US go bust (as many economists are predicting) we should become innovative and prudent. That will catapult us to a prosperous 50 to 75 years if the past is any example (compare the emergence after World War II).


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