Clues on Stock Market Direction

Double-dip chances were nearly 50% till a week ago.....but now a few commentators have said this double-dip is unlikely, based on the increase in bond yield which has seen a stable looking increase in the last week. Man....these experts can be as unpredictable as the weather in Central Ohio. Going with the gut feeling -(which in most cases is an abstract sense of a set of tangible confidence building variables in the market that culminate into a sentiment) - I feel, the bounce I talked about in my earlier blog, may be  already underway! Remember if consumer confidence is psychological....gut feeling is a cousin to psychological feeling. Pretty closely related. Everything ultimately lies in consumer spending which comes from consumer confidence....this can keep rising steadily even if jobs doesn't show up as quickly as you want to see.

So the fine print is .... the bounce is on, my friends! Grab a piece of action now,wait for a pull back to get into the action at the basement so to speak!


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